About Us: The Bobby Nine


I was born into a lively family as the youngest of five siblings. Growing up, I had a knack for making people laugh and pursued a path in comedy after college. However, earning $345 total taught me a valuable lesson; sometimes you have to chase what is lucrative over interests. That is, unless you are 100% committed to the lifestyle required to succeed. I loved doing stand up, but I wanted to get married and start a family. Determined to succeed, I shifted gears and ended up in a sales job, even though my true passion was making people smile.


Although sales wasn't my ideal career, I discovered some important principles along the way. I realized that humor is almost universally enjoyed, listening is more effective than talking, and authenticity and honesty are essential in connecting with people. I found myself excelling in the sales world, eventually becoming a trainer for my company. Life was going well as I traveled, got married, had a baby, and helped others succeed.

However, my brother-in-law, Bobby, struggled with his own challenges. He often reached out to me for support, and I encouraged him, promising that better times were ahead. Even through his struggles, he never lost his enthusiasm for football, animals, and golf. He would always tell you how well he hit his 9-iron. You could beat him by ten strokes but he would just say, "Bro! My 9-iron!" Tragically, during the pandemic on October 9, 2020, Bobby's health took a turn for the worse. I received a call that he was gravely ill, and we rushed to see him, but unfortunately, he passed away before we arrived. Witnessing his story come to an end made me realize that I had been procrastinating on writing my own.

That's Bobby in the middle with his arm around me and his brother, Anthony. Marrying my wife has been such a blessing, because it gave me the two younger brothers that I never had. We were supposed to do big things together; maybe we still are.

Determined to make a change, I started dedicating early mornings to studying, while continuing to work full-time. I saved every penny, invested in building a content studio, and pursued my dreams despite financial uncertainties. Whenever doubts arose, I received signs that affirmed I was on the right path. I consider these experiences to be deeply spiritual, a reminder that someone or something is looking out for me due to my intentions of helping others through laughter and inspiration.

Bobby's passion for coaching football and caring for animals left a lasting impact on me. Since his passing, the number nine, significant to him, has appeared in various unexpected moments. These occurrences reinforce my belief that Bobby's presence is guiding me. I am grateful for your support in The Bobby Nine's journey, which aims to bring Bobby's dreams (helping animals and youth sports) and mine (providing resources to the creative youth who lack supplies, bringing supplies and comfort to people fighting through their struggles, and so much more) to life. I work tirelessly because my dreams are no longer mere aspirations but necessities. Your involvement and support mean everything. Together, we can make a difference. Join us on this journey by subscribing to our email list, following our social media channels, and getting involved.

The formula is simple: by taking care of you, The Bobby Nine will flourish. I cannot predict how long it will take to achieve our goals, but it will remain a distant dream unless you buy our merchandise. Let's embark on this meaningful endeavor together. I hope that, when my time comes to an end, we will have changed or saved at least one person's life through our efforts. Thank you for reading and considering joining us on this heartfelt mission.

Lastly, I once heard Paul Krugman describe economics as "every sale is a purchase." When you purchase something from The Bobby Nine, you are keeping one small business in the fight and everyone down the supply chain who works to provide for their family, friends, and community.

Love & Thanks,

Joe Kirby
Owner of The Bobby Nine

**The Bobby Nine is a sister company and DBA to Revhawk Collaborative Services LLC. 100% owned and 100% managed by Joseph (Joe) (Joey) Kirby***